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产品分类 | Product Catalogue

物联网工业控制方案 | Iot industrial control products
消费数码产品 | Consumer digital products
智能太阳能路灯 | Intelligent solar street lamp
窗帘电机控制方案 | Curtain control solution


蓝牙手环 | 物联网太阳能路灯方案 | NB-IoT模组 | 语音开合帘电机控制方案 | 工业报警器 | 工业低功耗无线模组 | 停车场道闸雷达感应方案 | 智能手表 | 智能音箱 | 车辆定位与防盗方案 | 温控器 |

Products Show

ble smart bracelet | IoT Solar street light solution | NB-IoT module | Control scheme of off-line voice opening and closing curtain motor | Industrial Alarm | Industrial low power wireless module | Parking lot gate radar sensing solution | Intelligent Watch | Intelligent speaker | Vehicle location and anti-theft scheme | |

新闻分类 | News Catalogue

公司新闻 | Company News
行业新闻 | Industry News
技术资讯 | Technology information


无线模块在安防行业中的应用 | 智能穿戴市场迎来新技术!Wi-Fi联盟即将推出Wi-Fi Halow标准 | NB-IoT和LoRa占83%份额,低功耗卫星物联网成破局者|2021年低功耗广域市场深度解析 |

News Show

Application of wireless module in security industry | New technology in the smart wear market! The Wi-Fi Alliance is about to launch the Wi-Fi Halow standard | B - IoT and LoRa 83% share, low-power satellite Internet of things into a broken man | 2021 low-power broad market depth resolution |

案例分类 | Cases Catalogue

智能感应车位锁方案 | Smart induction parking lock solution
电子球童寻找器方案 | Electronic caddie finder solution
锁车提醒器方案 | Car lock reminder solution
路障警示感应报警器方案 | Roadblock warning sensor alarm solution


锁车提醒器方案 | 电子球童寻找器 | 智能感应车位锁方案 | 路障警示感应报警器方案 |

Cases Show

Car lock reminder solution | Electronic caddie finder | Smart induction parking lock solution | Roadblock warning sensor alarm solution |

下载分类 | Download Catalogue

技术资料 | Technical data
帮助文档 | Help document
软件下载 | Software download


JRF-I20TRX2透传跳频收发模块说明书v1.1 | 无线透传模块配置软件 | 串口助手 |

Download Show

JRF-I20TRX2 FHSS module spec v1.1 | Wireless transparent transmission module configuration software | serial port assistant |

人才诚聘 | Recruitment

在线留言 | Message

在线订单 | Inquiry